Monday, December 9, 2013

Brrrr it is cold out but it is warm in the school and brains are at work!
In visiting classrooms I have had multiple students share that they are reading the "best"
book they have ever read and can state several reasons for this.  They are articulating
what characters are in the story and how the plots are developing.  One important fact is that
they are all reading because they want to and are excited to continue to find out what is
happening in the book and want to share their thoughts about the story.
What great news on our cold day here.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Getting Ready for the New School Year!

We are less than 2 weeks to the start of our new school year.  The rooms are almost all cleaned, the halls look shiny and clean, supplies are arriving, families are turning in the last of their paperwork for enrollment and teachers report for work next week.  We are so excited to start learning again with our students!

Important dates to remember:

             Monday, August 12th - 5:30-7:30pm - Back to School Night
              (Meet your teacher, bring your supplies, check in with Food service, etc)

             Wednesday, August 14th - FIRST day of school year.

             Thursday, September 5th - 5:00 - 7:00pm - Welcome Back Picnic
              (PTO sponsored event, food provided, held at the school)

IF you have not turned in the necessary paperwork for enrollment please do so ASAP.
Your student will not receive a class assignment if you've not turned in your paperwork prior
to August 12th.   Please call the school at 413-4900 with any questions.

It's going to be a fabulous year of learning!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Extended Summer Learning Going Strong!

We are having FUN in the SUN this summer at West Englewood.  This is our theme for our extended summer learning.  We have lots of reading, writing and math fun occurring.  New books have arrived and the students attending XLT are getting first look at these new reads.  I have heard that there are some fabulous stories being read!

Extended summer learning is great for many reasons - socially and academically.  Students in Japan go to school around 240 days a year, most schools in the United States go to school for 175-180 days.  This extended learning time allows students to keep their "head in the game" and continue learning.
We are excited so many of our West Englewood students and their families take advantage of this extended time.

If your child is not attending XLT you can help ensure the summer learning loss is kept to a minimum by having your child read - a minimum of 30 mins a day, write in a summer activity log daily and engage your child in conversation.  Trips to the local library, area attractions, clubs, etc. keep the learning growing also.  Keeping students engaged in learning during the summer is the best thing a family can do.

Wishing you FUN in the SUN this summer with some learning fun for your family!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Preschool Opportunity for Peer Models

We have done many screenings for our preschool at West Englewood and have some more to go.  However, we also have another opportunity for peer models at our Pleasant Valley location.  Please read below if interested.

North Kansas City School District Early Childhood Special Education Preschool is now accepting applications for Peer Models for the 2013-2014 school year.  ECSE Peer Models attend preschool Monday – Thursday, 3 hours per day. We offer a language rich environment where students are able to participate in a structured preschool day, including groups facilitated by our certified teachers and licensed/certified therapists. Preschool openings at the Early Childhood Education Center in  Pleasant Valley with limited additional openings at both Maplewood Elementary and Fox Hill Elementary. Applicants must be 3 - 5 years of age. Call 413-5684 for additional information or to schedule a screen. Consider letting your child come learn and play with us! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Super Powers Are at Work!

We have two days of whole class testing completed and the students are doing well.  Reports from students are that they know what is being tested and they feel good about their answers. As a staff we know they can do great things and are encouraged to hear the students voice this also.

Today - Thursday - is Take Your Child to Work Day so there will be no regular testing.  Some makeup testing may occur as needed.

Please continue to join us in encouraging students to do their best on the test!  Super Powers are at work!

Mrs. E.

Monday, April 22, 2013

MAP - Super Powers will be used!

It's time for the MAP test in grades 3-5.  We held two assemblies today to motivate the students and celebrate their hard work of increasing learning this year.  Our morning assembly was for all grades and featured the Eagle Singers and grade 5 putting on a musical about testing.  They did a fabulous job, singing, dancing, and acting.  The afternoon assembly was for 3rd-5th grades with a skit about testing put-on by the staff.  Once again all the kids displayed that they are ready for the test by answering correctly the MAP preparedness questions.

All students know they should be getting a good nights rest, eating a healthy breakfast, being on time to school, and present the entire test, to be assured they are prepared to do their best.  We know they will do a fabulous job of taking the tests these next two weeks.  We will begin our day each day with a motivating MAP parade to get the body and brain ready for the tests.

Remember we all have super powers and can use them to do our best on the MAP.  

Expecting great things from our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders!
Mrs E.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Eagles Have Talent!

Wow!  Last evening our Eagles displayed such talent at our Annual West Englewood Talent Show.  We moved to Oak Park High School to ensure all our families had room to view our talented kiddos and it worked out really well.  It was a fun evening filled with laughter, dancing, singing, and such talent.  Thanks to the team at West Englewood that put this all together, to the families that attended last night and to our fabulous students that shared their talents last night with the audience.

This next week we will have the opportunity to see the talent in academics our Eagles have in grades  3-5 as we begin MAP testing on Tuesday.  We will be using our POWERS to succeed at the MAP test.  Monday is Super Hero day so come to school in your super hero attire.

Eagles will rock the MAP!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Great Week!

It was a great week at West Englewood!

+  We held Kindergarten Round Up and welcomed our newest learners.  They were so excited to ride the school bus, see the classrooms, meet the teachers and touch the books in the library.  I know they are going to be a great group!  We are hoping to see many of them during XLT.
+  We got our March attendance results and remain on target for the year MSIP 5 attendance goal of above 90%.  We dropped a little this month to 91.56% but attendance remains very important.
+  We held our 3rd quarter awards assemblies and saw awesome results!
+  A Fire Drill was held and evacuation was done in a timely safe manner.
+  The Student Ambassadors held Friday Fright Night on Friday until 10pm.  We had a great time playing games, decorating cookies, watching a movie, Dropping Everything and Reading, racing and chatting about many topics.  Fun evening of team building for them.

I know next week will bring many more fun learning opportunities.  We have our 4th/5th music program, MAP information Night and 3rd-5th Open House/Conferencing on Tuesday from 6:30-8pm.

Keep soaring Eagles,
Mrs. E

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's A Good Day to Curl Up WIth A Good Book!

It's a SNOW day today so it is very quiet in the building this morning without the usual sounds of the school day starting.  When you become accustomed to certain sights/sounds/smells it is VERY strange to not have those things around.  By now teachers would start coming in, Adventure Club students would be involved in creative play, the cafeteria would have started the cooking for the day, calls would be coming in from families, etc.  Today it is SILENT here.

I hope our families are warm and safe at home.  Yesterday I talked with several students that were getting books to take home to read over the snow day we were sure was coming today.  I have to agree it's going to be a great day to curl up with a good book, play games with the family, practice those math facts together and enjoy some hot chocolate.  I plan to do just that when I leave school later on today.

Have a great reading, playing games, enjoying some down time day!

Mrs. E.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ice Skating on Saturday

The West Englewood PTO has an exciting fun time for Saturday, Feb. 16th, planned.
During the long weekend you can meet your friends at the Linden Square Ice Rink in Gladstone.
The rink is open from 1pm-11pm for skating and your coupon and free adult skating is good.
The "official" West Englewood time is 1-3pm.  I plan to be there so I hope to see you there!

School is out Friday, Feb. 15th for staff development and Monday, Feb. 18th, for President's Day.  School resumes on Tuesday, Feb. 19th.  Have a great long weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Goals in 5th Grade Check In

Our 5th graders went through an Eagles Leadership Training in November.  They set goals that they are working on that align with our Eagle expectations.  Today we held another check in with them to see how they are progressing and to revise/revamp any goals that might need to be adjusted.  I am pleased to say that the majority of our 5th graders are not only reaching their goals, but exceeding them.  We are so proud of their increased positive behaviors since this training!

                  WAY TO GO 5th GRADE!!!  KEEP UP THE FABULOUS WORK!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lunch time fun and assessments

My schedule does not always allow for this but when it does I truly enjoy getting to have lunch time with small groups of students.  This week I was able to eat with 2nd, 4th and 5th graders.  During these lunches I can get a feel for what the kids think about their learning and school.  I am happy to report that this week all the students could share new learning, books and authors they are enjoying, fun plans in class and at home and sharing of things they'd like to see/do at school.  They had some great ideas for recess, assemblies and reading activities with the principal.  I plan to include these in upcoming plans for our school.  Great work students!

Mid-Winter assessments have been completed and you should expect before our President's Day break to receive information from your child's teacher on their progress.  Initial review shows some great gains.  I will be reviewing this data in the next week and talking with our team to determine instructional needs.  We will again assess in the Spring.

Have a fabulous weekend.  Stay warm and do some snuggling up to a good book!
Mrs. E.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dates to remember

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow Friday, January 18th is an early release day to allow for staff development.  Then on Monday, January 21st we have NO SCHOOL in observation of Martin Luther King's birthday.  School resumes on Tuesday at the regular time.

As we approach February, traditionally the peak flu time, I've included the healthy habits list we talk about with our students.  If you've questions about the flu please contact our school nurse at 413-4902.

Practicing good health habits can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu.  A list of prevention tips are provided here.
1.      Avoid close contact.  Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
2.      Stay home when you are sick.  If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.
3.      Cover your mouth and nose.  Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
4.      Clean your hands.  Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
5.      Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.  Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
6.      Practice other good health habits.  Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

Here's hoping we all stay well this school year!

Mrs. E

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 2013

We are off to a great start for second semester!

Today most of the school is running around in their PJ's as we celebrate coming back from WInter break and a great start to learning in 2013.

I hope our families are able to join us on Tuesday, Jan. 8th as we celebrate the hard work students have put forth in second quarter.

Tuesday, January 8th:
2:15pm - Kdg-2nd Awards
2:45pm - All school Responsibility Awards and Strings class performing
3:15pm - 3rd-5th Awards

Have a great January!
Mrs. E