My schedule does not always allow for this but when it does I truly enjoy getting to have lunch time with small groups of students. This week I was able to eat with 2nd, 4th and 5th graders. During these lunches I can get a feel for what the kids think about their learning and school. I am happy to report that this week all the students could share new learning, books and authors they are enjoying, fun plans in class and at home and sharing of things they'd like to see/do at school. They had some great ideas for recess, assemblies and reading activities with the principal. I plan to include these in upcoming plans for our school. Great work students!
Mid-Winter assessments have been completed and you should expect before our President's Day break to receive information from your child's teacher on their progress. Initial review shows some great gains. I will be reviewing this data in the next week and talking with our team to determine instructional needs. We will again assess in the Spring.
Have a fabulous weekend. Stay warm and do some snuggling up to a good book!
Mrs. E.
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