Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's A Good Day to Curl Up WIth A Good Book!

It's a SNOW day today so it is very quiet in the building this morning without the usual sounds of the school day starting.  When you become accustomed to certain sights/sounds/smells it is VERY strange to not have those things around.  By now teachers would start coming in, Adventure Club students would be involved in creative play, the cafeteria would have started the cooking for the day, calls would be coming in from families, etc.  Today it is SILENT here.

I hope our families are warm and safe at home.  Yesterday I talked with several students that were getting books to take home to read over the snow day we were sure was coming today.  I have to agree it's going to be a great day to curl up with a good book, play games with the family, practice those math facts together and enjoy some hot chocolate.  I plan to do just that when I leave school later on today.

Have a great reading, playing games, enjoying some down time day!

Mrs. E.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ice Skating on Saturday

The West Englewood PTO has an exciting fun time for Saturday, Feb. 16th, planned.
During the long weekend you can meet your friends at the Linden Square Ice Rink in Gladstone.
The rink is open from 1pm-11pm for skating and your coupon and free adult skating is good.
The "official" West Englewood time is 1-3pm.  I plan to be there so I hope to see you there!

School is out Friday, Feb. 15th for staff development and Monday, Feb. 18th, for President's Day.  School resumes on Tuesday, Feb. 19th.  Have a great long weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Goals in 5th Grade Check In

Our 5th graders went through an Eagles Leadership Training in November.  They set goals that they are working on that align with our Eagle expectations.  Today we held another check in with them to see how they are progressing and to revise/revamp any goals that might need to be adjusted.  I am pleased to say that the majority of our 5th graders are not only reaching their goals, but exceeding them.  We are so proud of their increased positive behaviors since this training!

                  WAY TO GO 5th GRADE!!!  KEEP UP THE FABULOUS WORK!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lunch time fun and assessments

My schedule does not always allow for this but when it does I truly enjoy getting to have lunch time with small groups of students.  This week I was able to eat with 2nd, 4th and 5th graders.  During these lunches I can get a feel for what the kids think about their learning and school.  I am happy to report that this week all the students could share new learning, books and authors they are enjoying, fun plans in class and at home and sharing of things they'd like to see/do at school.  They had some great ideas for recess, assemblies and reading activities with the principal.  I plan to include these in upcoming plans for our school.  Great work students!

Mid-Winter assessments have been completed and you should expect before our President's Day break to receive information from your child's teacher on their progress.  Initial review shows some great gains.  I will be reviewing this data in the next week and talking with our team to determine instructional needs.  We will again assess in the Spring.

Have a fabulous weekend.  Stay warm and do some snuggling up to a good book!
Mrs. E.